Query-Dependent Video Representation for Moment Retrieval and Highlight Detection (CVPR23)
WonJun Moon*1 SangEek Hyun*1 SangUk Park2 Dongchan Park2 Jae-Pil Heo1 Sungkyunkwan University1 Pyler2
WonJun Moon*1 SangEek Hyun*1 SangUk Park2 Dongchan Park2 Jae-Pil Heo1 Sungkyunkwan University1 Pyler2
WonJun Moon Hyun Seok Seong Jae-Pil Heo Sungkyunkwan University
Abstract Recently, it is shown that deploying a proper self-supervision is a prospective way to enhance the performance of supervised learning. Yet, the ben...
Abstract Open set recognition (OSR) assumes unknown instances appear out of the blue at the inference time. The main challenge of OSR is that the response o...